SleepOrSex - Installation
This script need bed as an props! Ask your modder how to do it!!!
Follow the steps below to setup your script:
- Unzip the downloaded package and open the SleepOrSex folder. You will need to upload these files to your hosting server using FTP or localhost in order to use it on your server.
- Below is dependency that you must have on your server:
- Ox Lib
- mysql-async or oxmysql
Skin Script
- like esx_skin or fivem-appearanceTarget Script
- like ox_target or qb-target (Optional if you want better performance)Artifact Server 6116
- Minimum version is 6116, so you can running artifact above this version. Take a look here
- You must run script on server.cfg like this:
ensure/start Polyzone
- (Optional if you want better performance)ensure/start ox_lib
ensure/start ox_target
- (Optional if you want better performance)ensure/start SleepOrSex
- Run the script after 3 dependency above started
- Rename client/shower/config/server/disease depends on your framework
rename client-esx -> client
rename shower-esx -> shower
rename server-esx -> server
rename config-esx -> config
rename disease-esx -> disease
Example if you using QBCore framework:rename client-qbcore -> client
rename shower-qbcore -> shower
rename server-qbcore -> server
rename config-qbcore -> config
rename disease-qbcore -> disease
Example if you using ESX framework: - Since disease if open source, please configure as much as you want!
disease-esx - server
disease-qbcore - server
disease - client
Disease script:
Common Errors
- I didn't use any target, is that possible?
Yeah its possible, Make sure you have change this valueConfig.NameTarget = 'qtarget'
toConfig.NameTarget = false
in config.lua - I'm using qb-target, how to do that'
Make sure you have change this valueConfig.NameTarget = 'qtarget'
toConfig.NameTarget = 'qb-target'
in config.lua - I'm set /sexanimation or /sleepanimation but didnt do anything
You must do the command near the bed!
Fixed on new update - I didn't want using disease, how to do that
Make sure you have change this valueConfig.Disease = true
toConfig.Disease = false
in config.lua - I want to add more sleep animation, how to do it?
Take a look example that i give, and dont forget the index!Config.AnimationSleep = { [1] = { label = 'Sleep 1', description = 'This is Decription', dict = 'timetable@tracy@sleep@', name = 'idle_c', }, [2] = { label = 'Your_Name_Sleep', description = 'Your_Description_Sleep', dict = 'Your_AnimDictionary_Sleep', name = 'Your_AnimName_Sleep', }, [3] = { label = 'Your_Name_Sleep', description = 'Your_Description_Sleep', dict = 'Your_AnimDictionary_Sleep', name = 'Your_AnimName_Sleep', }, }
- I want to add more sex animation, how to do it?
Read how this native work and Take a look example that i give, and dont forget the index!
Notes:- Take a look for
if the position for animation is flying in the air and fill xxx with your custom sex animation!
Example:Config.DictMaleAnimationSexFixZ = sexmaledict == 'Your_AnimDictionary_Sex_ForMale' or sexmaledict == 'Your_AnimDictionary_Sex_ForMale2'
- Max sex animation its depends on how you configure Config.AnimationSex, if index = 5 then the max sex animation its 5 and so on
Config.AnimationSex = { [1] = { label = 'Sex 1', description = 'This is Decription', maledict = 'misscarsteal2pimpsex', malename = 'pimpsex_punter', femaledict = 'misscarsteal2pimpsex', femalename = 'pimpsex_hooker', bone = 9816, x = 0.0, y = 0.60, z = 0.0, xrot = 120.0, yrot = 0.0, zrot = 180.0, }, [2] = { label = 'Your_Name_Sex', description = 'Your_Description_Sex', maledict = 'Your_AnimDictionary_Sex_ForMale', malename = 'Your_AnimName_Sex_ForMale', femaledict = 'Your_AnimDictionary_Sex_ForFemale', femalename = 'Your_AnimName_Sex_ForFemale', bone = 9816, x = 0.05, y = 0.35, z = 0.1, xrot = 120.0, yrot = 0.0, zrot = 180.0, }, [3] = { label = 'Your_Name_Sex', description = 'Your_Description_Sex', maledict = 'Your_AnimDictionary_Sex_ForMale', malename = 'Your_AnimName_Sex_ForMale', femaledict = 'Your_AnimDictionary_Sex_ForFemale', femalename = 'Your_AnimName_Sex_ForFemale', bone = 9816, x = 0.015, y = -0.25, z = 0.0, xrot = 0.9, yrot = 0.3, zrot = 0.0, }, }
- Take a look for
- I want to add more bed, how to do it?
Take a look example that i give, dont forget add , at the end for adding more bedConfig.Bed = { `v_res_msonbed_s`, `p_lestersbed_s`, `p_mbbed_s`, `p_v_res_tt_bed_s`, `v_res_msonbed_s`, `v_res_mbbed`, `v_res_d_bed`, `v_res_tre_bed1`, `v_res_tre_bed2`, `v_res_tt_bed`, `apa_mp_h_bed_double_09`, `apa_mp_h_yacht_bed_02`, `apa_mp_h_bed_double_08`, `apa_mp_h_bed_with_table_02`, `example_bed`, `example_bed`, `example_bed`, `example_bed`, `example_bed`, }
- My cloth doesnt change at all when triggered sleep/sex
Make sure you have change this valueConfig.Clothes = true
andConfig.Pajama = true
in config.lua - My cloth change but its in wrong texture
standalone or fivem-appearance
Read how this native work and change this on your config.lua
1. You want using torso 200 and texture 4
2. Then you change this function on config.luaSetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 11, 109, 1, 0)--torso
toSetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 11, 200, 4, 0)--torso
function StandaloneFemalePregnantPeds() SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 3, 7, 0, 0)--arms SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 4, 60, 1, 0)--pants SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 6, 16, 0, 0)--shoes SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 11, 109, 1, 0)--torso SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 8, 14, 0, 0)--tshirt end function StandaloneFemalePeds() SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 3, 7, 0, 0)--arms SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 4, 60, 1, 0)--pants SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 6, 16, 0, 0)--shoes SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 11, 109, 1, 0)--torso SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 8, 14, 0, 0)--tshirt end function StandaloneMalePeds() SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 3, 6, 0, 0)--arms SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 4, 58, 1, 0)--pants SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 6, 5, 2, 0)--shoes SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 11, 117, 1, 0)--torso SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 8, 15, 0, 0)--tshirt end function StandaloneNakedFemalePeds() SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 3, 15, 0, 0)--arms SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 4, 15, 0, 0)--pants SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 6, 35, 0, 0)--shoes SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 11, 15, 1, 0)--torso SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 8, 15, 0, 0)--tshirt end function StandaloneNakedMalePeds() SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 3, 15, 0, 0)--arms SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 4, 61, 0, 0)--pants SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 6, 34, 2, 0)--shoes SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 11, 15, 1, 0)--torso SetPedComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), 8, 15, 0, 0)--tshirt end
change this value on your config.luaConfig.PajamaOutfit = { --Pajama Outfit (esx_skin and skinchanger) male = { tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0, torso_1 = 144, torso_2 = 0, decals_1 = 0, decals_2 = 0, arms = 6, pants_1 = 65, pants_2 = 0, shoes_1 = 34, shoes_2 = 0, helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, glasses_1 = 0, glasses_2 = 0 }, female = { tshirt_1 = 6, tshirt_2 = 0, torso_1 = 142, torso_2 = 0, decals_1 = 0, decals_2 = 0, arms = 6, pants_1 = 67, pants_2 = 0, shoes_1 = 35, shoes_2 = 0, helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, glasses_1 = 5, glasses_2 = 0 } } Config.NakedOutfit = { --Naked Outfit (esx_skin and skinchanger) male = { tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0, torso_1 = 15, torso_2 = 0, decals_1 = 0, decals_2 = 0, arms = 15, pants_1 = 61, pants_2 = 0, shoes_1 = 34, shoes_2 = 0, helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, glasses_1 = 0, glasses_2 = 0 }, female = { tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0, torso_1 = 15, torso_2 = 0, decals_1 = 0, decals_2 = 0, arms = 15, pants_1 = 15, pants_2 = 0, shoes_1 = 35, shoes_2 = 0, helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, glasses_1 = 5, glasses_2 = 0 } } Config.PregnantOutfit = { --Pregnant Outfit (esx_skin and skinchanger) female = { tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0, torso_1 = 68, torso_2 = 0, decals_1 = 0, decals_2 = 0, arms = 0, pants_1 = 12, pants_2 = 0, shoes_1 = 16, shoes_2 = 1, helmet_1 = -1, helmet_2 = 0, chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, glasses_1 = 5, glasses_2 = 0 } }
- My cloth doesnt reload after sleep/sex
Search this function on config.lua and change them!function ResetMalePeds() -- search this function on config.lua TriggerServerEvent('qb-clothes:loadPlayerSkin') -- QBCore Cloth TriggerServerEvent('qb-clothing:loadPlayerSkin') -- QBCore Cloth TriggerEvent('fivem-appearance:client:reloadSkin') -- fivem-appearance ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin) -- esx_skin TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin) end) -- or your custom skin here end function ResetFemalePeds() -- search this function on config.lua TriggerServerEvent('qb-clothes:loadPlayerSkin') -- QBCore Cloth TriggerServerEvent('qb-clothing:loadPlayerSkin') -- QBCore Cloth TriggerEvent('fivem-appearance:client:reloadSkin') -- fivem-appearance ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin) -- esx_skin TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin) end) -- or your custom skin here end
- I want to change the notification, how to do it?
Search this function on config.lua and change them! This function is on client, you if you have notification didnt have exportfunction ShowNotification(msg) -- example using okok exports['okokNotify']:Alert('Bed', msg, 5000, 'neutral') -- example using nd-notify TriggerEvent('nd-notify:client:sendAlert', { type = 'primary', -- Types = [primary, success, error, police] text = msg, length = 3000, style = {['background-color'] = '#FFFFFF', ['color'] = '#000000' } -- This is optional }) end
- I want to edit the minigames, how to do it?
Change this valueConfig.CumDifficulty = {'easy', 'easy', 'medium'}
in config.lua
This means you have 3 minigames and difficulity of that is easy, easy, medium. (easy, medium, hard) - I want to make stumble faster, how to do it?
Change this valueConfig.AnimMillSecPregnant = math.random(100000, 500000)
in config.lua
This means stumble animation will triggered between 100000 - 500000, reduce this if you want the stumble faster! - I want to use command /sexeverywhere instead using viagra
Change this valueConfig.ItemViagra = 'viagra'
toConfig.ItemViagra = false
in config.lua
And make sure you have command value onConfig.CommandSexEverywhere = 'sexeverywhere'